Hoof Supplements

Hoof Supplements

2 items
Cavalor Dry Feet, Hooves, 250ml Cavalor Dry Feet, Hooves, 250ml
RRP -12%


Dry Feet, Hooves, 250ml

RRP: €24.99
0.25 l (€88.00 / l)
Trikem Biotin liq

Trikem Sport

Trikem Biotin liq

1 l (€18.20 / l)
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Biotin supplements for horses

Biotin supplements for horses provide essential nutrients for hooves and more.
A biotin supplement can be a game changer for horses struggling with hoof conditions. The nutrients in a biotin supplement can boost hoof growth and allow your horse to remain healthy and sturdy. With proper care, trimming, shoeing and nutrition, your horse can develop strong healthy hooves. Some horses are prone to dry, brittle, cracked hooves but a biotin hoof supplement can improve this condition. Biotin is a smart choice for improving moisture balance and elasticity in hooves as well as improving coat and skin. Biotin supplements include vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients to ensure your horse’s nutritional needs are met.

Biotin supplements for improved hoof health

Biotin supplements can be recommended by your vet or farrier for improved hoof health. Keeping shoes on a horse with dry, brittle hooves can be a challenge. If your farrier recommends a supplement for improving hoof condition, Horze offers many options. A biotin supplement can nourish hooves and is essential for improving the condition of hooves, skin and hair. A beautiful coat is an added bonus when you add a biotin supplement to your horse’s diet. Most biotin supplements also include a healthy dose of methionine to increase hoof growth and maintain moisture balance even more. Zinc and copper can help improve the absorption of these nutrients to aid in transforming your horse’s hooves and coat and improve his health.