Biothane Reins

Biothane Reins

3 items
Kavalkade Biothane Long Reins Kavalkade Biothane Long Reins
RRP -20%


Biothane Long Reins

RRP: €69.90
Kavalkade Biothane Reins Kavalkade Biothane Reins


Biothane Reins

Karlslund BioThane Reins with Buckles Karlslund BioThane Reins with Buckles


BioThane Reins with Buckles

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Reins made of BioThane

Riding reins come in a wide range of varieties. Leather reins, webbed reins and rubber reins are very popular and widespread in English riding. BioThane reins for horses are less well known. They are ideal for riders with certain requirements regarding the material of the reins, for example those who want to ride outside all in all weather conditions. Even under such extreme conditions, a soft, supple, and grippy rein connection must be consistently maintained. Reins made of BioThane have been developed precisely for this purpose. 

Vegan BioThane fabric for riding reins

Riding reins have to be especially durable outdoors. It is important that they remain non-slip, do not become waterlogged and do not wear out too quickly. Whether lunging in the outdoor arena with long BioThane reins or riding, experience with Biothane reins shows that they are genuine high-tech riding reins perfectly designed for these conditions. Biothane is a polyester fabric that was developed in the USA. The fabric structure consists of polyester coated with a protective plastic layer. This combination makes reins made of Biothane extremely tear-resistant, easy to clean and very durable. The absolute advantage: Biothane reins look like real leather and also feel like real leather reins

Vegan riding reins for horses

Just like classic reins, vegan reins are available in different versions. Biothane reins with stops are the preferred choice, as they make it easier to hold the reins and keep a grip on them. Biothane reins with bumps and Biothane reins with grip also improve the already optimal position of the reins in the rider's hand. However, the unique fabric composition of the reins creates even more advantages. The combination makes the reins hardwearing, light, soft and very easy to clean. In addition, Biothane reins for horses are flexible and colourfast, which makes them available in a wide variety of colours. However, the best-seller here is also the Biothane reins in brown

Brands like Karlslund and Kavalkade have already recognised the advantages of this high-tech material and offer great reins made of Biothane.